VDK Group acquires Shield Security Technology FBM Corporate Finance assists buying party It was announced this week that VDK Groep is acquiring leading electronic security specialist
Purchase Bouwbedrijf de Bruin Putten by Van de Kolk Bouwgroep FBM Corporate Finance assists buying party
Kooijman Auto Group acquires TAB FBM Corporate Finance accompanies Kooijman Autogroep in acquisition of Tiel car repair and painting company (TAB) Kooijman Autogroep expanded its
Refinancing for North European Wine Storage Company B.V. FBM Corporate Finance provides total refinancing for North European Wine Storage Company B.V. (NWB) Albert van Lunteren and Stefan Antonissen
Sale of MJL Investments BV to EK Fashion. FBM Corporate Finance has assisted fashion company MJL Investments BV in the sale of its business to EK Fashion MJL
Van Dijk Group acquires Transport Maintenance Nieuwegein FBM assisted the shareholder of Transportonderhoud Nieuwegein in this transaction Late last week, the shareholder of Transportonderhoud Nieuwegein reached agreement
OptiGroup acquires Van den IJssel Bedrijfskleding BV in the Netherlands FBM accompanied the shareholder of Van den IJssel Bedrijfskleding in this transaction. This week OptiGroup announced the acquisition of Van
Compatible Computer Solutions becomes part of Total Specific Hosting (TSH) FBM congratulates Total Specific Hosting and investor Strikwerda Investments on this expansion FBM assisted Compatible Computer Solutions BV in the
Not an everyday deal, where 2 + 2 adds up to 5 GoodtobeBetter, Fincade and STRADIS continue together as The Trainee Company We recently celebrated a special closing. In one transaction, both